Clean Eats

Remember when you were little and you stayed at the dinner table until bedtime because you refused to eat your green beans?  No?  Just me?  Let's just say that eating healthy hasn't always been priority numero uno in my world.  Being a firm believer that healthy food consisted of leaves in a bowl with a sprinkling of nuts and seeds, I had a hard time accepting the notion that clean eating could possibly be delicious.  Guess what?  IT CAN BE!

As with most things in life, the term "clean eating" can be open to interpretation.  In order to be sure that we're on the same page, when I refer to "clean eating" I mostly mean that I avoid processed foods and when selecting bread/pasta/etc I choose whole grain (not to be confused with whole wheat) varieties.  One super fancy trick to help you at the grocery store is to avoid the middle isles.  You have your fresh produce on one side, while the deli and butcher are usually all the way on the other end of the market.  The middle is filled with chip goblins and cookie monsters trying to pounce into your cart unsuspectedly, so just avoid the middle altogether.

Here is one of my go-to clean eating recipes.  Give it a shot!  I promise it doesn't taste like worms and dirt!

BREAKFAST: Baked Avocado and Egg

What you'll need:

  • 1 avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives
  • pepper to taste
What to do:
  1. Preheat oven to 425*F
  2. Cut avocado in half.  Remove pit, and scoop out enough meat for egg to fit.
  3. Place avocado securely in a baking dish.
  4. Crack egg and pour into avocado.  Try to pour the yolk into the deepest part first.
  5. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven and season with chives and pepper.
  7. Enjoy!

Let's be real, every once in awhile (aka several times a week) you just need a break from the kitchen.  Here are some of my fave eateries.   

Local Restaurants

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